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- Is my unborn baby communicating with me?

Here is a question that I get a lot, so I think it is time for moms to understand how, in my perspective and other specialist’s perspective, babies and mothers communicate with each other.

The unborn child is a very sensitive being. The baby inside the mother’s womb is much aware of, and responsive to, the mother's inside signals, feelings, and experiences. We often say that the womb is the child’s first class because it is the baby’s first home and his or her development is strongly influenced by the mother's physical, mental, and emotional well-being, as well as the quality of support she receives and the perception she has of her surroundings.



A baby who is nurtured in the womb of a healthy, loving, and tranquil mother receives the best possible start in life, and a healthy womb environment is also the foundation of the baby’s sense of care, trust, self-love, self-worth, and belonging.

Throughout this process, there are a few ways the mother and baby communicate with each other. According to Dr. Thomas Verny, psychiatrist, author, academic and the father of Prenatal Psychology, there are 3 channels of communication between mother and baby:


1. Neuro-hormonal communication

This happens through the placenta and the umbilical circulation. The mother is capable of communicating with her baby through hormone release. For example, if the mother is anxious the stress response kicks in and several stress hormones are released into her bloodstream, the mother’s heartbeat raises, the breath rhythm gets faster and so on. The baby gets unsettle because starts receiving all these hormonal exchanges, and starts producing hormones that will influence the mother’s state, helping her to calm down and relax.


2. Behavioral communication

This type of communication happens when the mother talks, sings, dances, when she is angry or sad, when she is sharing feelings of love or no interest at all in her baby. On the other hand, the baby also behaves, the baby kicks as if trying to get attention from the mother or just by stretching his members when he awakes, the baby moves with harmony in the womb or kicks hard when he is unsettled.


3. Psychic communication

Here we move on into the quantum mechanics field that states that when two particles in one time were attached and they got separated they are still somehow in communication. And this is what happens with twins when they sense each other even if they are miles apart, and it also happens between a mother and her baby in the womb. The mother is feeling what the baby is feeling. These are vibrations that our brain can pick up. That are numerous testimonies of women dreaming about their child, feeling that their baby is not ok and running into the hospital, or having feelings of fear or extreme happiness knowing that it all comes from their baby in the womb. Maybe we are not yet capable to measure these vibrations but certainly, these extra-sensorial perceptions exist.


So if you are feeling any of this things bellow you are already in communication with your baby:

   anxiety and then you can calm down quicker than you ever expected or have a sense of serenity and peace

   your baby kicks you and you touch your belly and your baby kicks back

   a sensation of restlessness, and then you touch your belly, you talk with your baby and reassure him that everything is just fine, and everything goes back to normal

   that you need to make real changes in your life and your relationships, feeling an inner courage and strength to move forward, that you would never have if you were not pregnant 


Another wonderful research of evidence regarding unborn babies perceptions and capabilities is the book Babies Are Cosmic - Signs of Their Secret Intelligence where Dr. Elizabeth Carman and her husband Neil Carman write about how babies are aware at multiple levels, presenting extraordinary findings about babies’ awareness of conception, the womb, birth, the universe, past-lives, choosing parents, and beyond.


According to the authors and also physicians, psychologists, birth professionals, and research on consciousness evidence before birth, unborn babies are capable of:

1.     Listening, thinking, communicating, and learning inside the womb

2.     Showing their personality

3.     Being sensitive to physical and emotional pain

4.     Interpret inside signals from the mother to better be prepared for the outside world


And also, what I find really interesting and one of the reasons I recommend this reading, is the unborn baby’s abilities to apprehend information through consciousness rather than just through physical senses or logical deduction. Research and testimonials have shown that unborn babies are also capable of:

5.     Sensing if they are loved or unloved – if the mother desires them, the parents, the family, if they care and nurture them, if they love and welcome them, or if they are ignored

6.     Communicating telepathically – babies are capable to send information to the mother and others and receive information from the mother and others, without using any known senses or any type of physical interaction

7.     Clairvoyant sensing – babies are also capable to see people and events even before their eyes are open in the womb, or not using normal sight, observing events inside and outside the womb.

So we can with certainty say that prenatal life does impact a child’s psychological development. This evidence and the knowing of your baby’s consciousness before birth will not only expand your mind but change the way you may be perceiving your own experience as a mother and the importance of unfolding the physical, emotional and intuitive bond you have with your unborn baby, enhancing your child’s potential.


Bonding with your baby has also incredible benefits, as the studies* show that women that used bonding techniques during their pregnancy have experienced:  

        Less anxiety and pain during labor

        Less effort giving birth and fewer complications

        Excessive baby crying was unknown with pregnancy bonding

        Babies were easy to communicate with, showed curiosity and emotional stability

        Babies could sleep longer and deeper at night with few awakenings

        Postpartum depression was less than 1%


We can say that it is vital that the mother and the father communicate with their unborn baby, because it is during pregnancy that the bond is established between mother and child and the other members of the family. Bonding will also help the baby’s physical, psychological and genetic development.  

When a mother is able to come back to her body sensations, to slow down, breathe deeply, becoming open and more aware of her natural feminine sensibility, she is also able to communicate and receive the information that her unborn baby has to deliver, because ultimately our babies want to feel they are cared, loved and nurtured.






About the Author

Susana Lopes is a prenatal educator, prenatal and post-natal yoga teacher, author of the book “Yoga e Maternidade” and President of the Norwegian Association of Prenatal Education.  She is also a speaker and advocate for pregnant moms and their conscious babies. Her present work includes guiding women to effectively release stress and anxiety from their body and improve their overall health and connection with their baby.